Waterfalls Near Pai

Mae Yen Waterfall The nearest waterfall to town and is a walk of about 7km. You can only take a bike the first 3km; then it’s a 4km hike through the jungle. First head east over the bridge that leads out of town, and follow the signs. The first two kilometres is down a country lane, and then you follow a footpath, that crisscrosses the river several times as you pass through a narrow scenic valley, with lovely views of lush green forests and the valley beyond. The waterfall itself is not particularly outstanding, but the hike there and back makes it a very worthwhile day out. It will take you about 4 to 5 hours for the round trip. It’s advisable to go in a decent pair of shoes and take plenty of water. Mo Paeng Waterfall You will need to take a short drive to get to this waterfall, which is 12km west of Pai. Take the road past Santichong Chinese village, and turn left after Mo Paeng village. Continue to the end of the road and the waterfall is a short walk away. This multi-tiered waterfall that flows through a lush green valley is very popular, as there are several pools to swim in. During the dry season, the upper section of the waterfall becomes a natural water slide. But please exercise caution, as there have been some nasty accidents here. Pam Bok Waterfall Located on the road to Chiang Mai, before the Pai Canyon, you turn left after "Coffee In Love". This secluded waterfall is surrounded by high cliffs and is a perfect place to escape the heat of the day. You can also bathe in the pool at the bottom.

Map of North West Thailand

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