Lonely Beach

Lonely Beach has got to be one of the best places in the world for a relaxing, stunning bit of paradise. On the north side of Koh Rong, the opposite end of the island to the partying atmosphere of Koh Tui Beach. If you're looking for unspoilt nature, tranquil white sandy beaches all to yourself, palm trees, crystal waters, stunning sunsets and stunning starry night skies, this is the place for you. A thing not to miss is seeing the sea sparkling at night with fluorescent plankton. They rent snorkelling gear for $2 a day, and there is also a small library, music instruments and games you can borrow. You can have a beautiful 45 min trek through the jungle to the nearby village and also a nearby waterfall. Lonely Beach is the only accommodation here, and they have done a fantastic job of creating options to suit budget to flashpacker. All the options are built in a rustic Khmer style from wood and thatch. They offer dorms, birds-nests (small wooden huts) and bungalows. They harness solar power to help power everything. There are western toilets and bucket showers. Don't forget to book your accommodation as if it is full you will be stuck! Lonely Beach operates their own boat transfer service from Sihanoukville, leaving at 1:00pm from the Royal Pier and arrives at Lonely Beach after approximately 3 hours, depending on the weather and waves. Return boat departs Lonely Beach at 8:00am and arrives in Sihanoukville about 3 hours later. A taxi pick up can be arranged. The boat fare is US$20 for a round trip. If you are already in Koh Tui you will need to hire a private boat to get here which will be around $70 (up to 4 people), although you may have trouble finding one. There are also day trips organised by "Adventure Adam" 3 times a week which go to Lonely Beach and stop a few other places on the way. These cost $20 one-way and just ask your guesthouse to point you in the right direction. Rates: Dorm US$ 8 per person (High season* US$ 10) Bird's Nest: US$ 20 (High season* US$ 25) US$ 30 (High season* US$ 35) Family Bungalow: US$ 40 (High season* US$ 48) *High season 15.12.2015 - 15.01.2016 Tel: +855 712094858 / +855 93967240 Website: http://lonely-beach.com

Map of South Cambodia

South Cambodia-Map