Ko Kut Beaches

Ko Kut has some stunning beaches and they tend to be much quieter than a lot of the beaches on nearby Ko Chang. Most of the budget accommodation, restaurants, bars and shops are around Khlong Chao Beach. Some of the best beaches only have expensive accommodation on them but can be easy enough to access from other locations. Starting from the north of the island and heading south here’s a rundown of the island's beaches: Khlong Mat A tiny little beach but a nice bit of sand and great snorkelling. There are just three medium to high-end resorts here; Koh Kood Beach, High Season and Suanya resorts. Hat Taphao A long wide beach stretching down from Nam Leuk pier. The caramel coloured sand is a little coarser here than the powder white sand at some of the other beaches. Ao Noi - TOP PICK A stunning white sand beach lined with palm trees and shallow crystal clear water, wow! Khlong Chao Another mind-blowingly good beach lifted directly from a postcard. Ngam Kho The section of beach north of Dusita Resort is a superb stretch of sand. Sai Daeng Just south of Ngam Kho is this quaint bay of fine sand with only one resort so doesn’t get busy. Bang Bao A charming beach which is home to a few popular resorts, each resort has a picturesque wooden pier in front. Ao Ta Khain - TOP PICK Perfect white powder sand and crystal clear shallow waters teaming with fish, ideal for snorkelling. A-MA-ZING! Khlong Hin A nice enough beach but popular with Russian package tourists, and Ao Jak nearby is better. Ao Jak This quiet beach has beautiful fine sand lined with palm trees, another Ko Kut winner. Ao Phrao There're much better beaches, why say more.

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