NE Cambodia

Why Go

The North East is by far the least visited region of Cambodia, and if seen at all, it’s often only through the bus window as its passes by for most. This makes it a great region for those that like to get away from the main tourist places, with some nice relaxed small towns, adventurous trekking, eco-conscious elephant programmes and rare dolphins to be seen..

Why Not

All places in North East Cambodia are very chilled, with no nightlife.

To See

The small town of Kratie gives you the chance to step back in time on the wonderfully relaxed Koh Tong Island, which sits in the middle of the Mekong River. It is also near one of the best places in the world see the rare short-beaked Irrawaddy dolphins. In Sen Monorom you can experience elephants up close at one of the excellent elephant projects, released from working and in their natural habitat. While Banlung has the very much unexplored jungle wilderness of the Virachey National Park, one for the adventurous explorer!

To Know

With a good highway now connecting the provincial capital Sen Monorom (Mondulkiri Province) to Banlung (Ratanakiri Province), and good transport options available, these places really should start to appear more and more on the tourism map.

Map of North East Cambodia

North East Cambodia-Map