Ko Jum (Ko Pu)

Why Go? Empty golden sand beaches and clear waters grace this pleasantly little-developed island. The primary pastimes here are relaxing on the beach, swimming, snorkelling and watching the sunset, making this a great place to unwind away from the crowds. Unlike most quiet Thai islands, it’s got 24-hour power and plenty of budget accommodation options while retaining its laid-back feel. It’s also easily accessible from popular destinations such as Krabi, Phi Phi and Ko Lanta. Why Not? There’s not any nightlife to speak of or many activities. The beaches are not as white as some of the postcard-perfect beaches found elsewhere in Thailand but still superb! That said, washed up trash can build up on the more remote uncleaned sections of beach. How Long? As with most chilled beach places, just stay as long as feels good or your time allows! When to Go? The dry season is November to April, with room rates rising before Xmas until after new year. Most boat services stop, and many resorts close during the rainy season. The Full Story The jungle-covered northern half of the island is locally known as Ko Pu (Crab Island), dominated by the 400m Mt Pu, which can be trekked up with the aid a local guide for those feeling inclined. The southern half of is known as Ko Jum, blanketed with palms and casuarina trees. When referring to the whole island either name can be used, with outsiders usually opting for Ko Jum. Beaches line nearly 10km of the west coast and are where most accommodation is found, with Phi Phi visible in the distance. There's also a couple of beaches on the north of the island. Apart from the standard of accommodation, there’s not much that distinguishes each of the beaches. Colourful coral reefs make great snorkelling, with plenty of places to swim. Other activities included diving and fishing trips. Most of the locals live traditional lifestyles of fishing and rubber plantation farming, helping to retain that undeveloped local feel.

Map of Andaman Coast

Andaman Coast-Map