Flight to Galapagos Islands

Updated February 2021

All flights to the Galapagos Islands leave from either Quito or Guayaquil in Ecuador. To be allowed to fly, there are a few extra steps to follow, missing any will mean you are not allowed on the flight. Locals recommended getting to the airport 3 hours before your flight departure time, it's super early but needed! If you're staying in Quito, note it's 40-60mins by taxi from the city to Quito airport.

At The Airport

At the airport, you will need to do two things before the usual airport check-in process: - Get your bags scanned at a separate machine just for the Galapagos. They are looking for items you are not allowed to take to the Galapagos such as fresh fruit, seeds (anything living or that can grow into a plant, putting the Galapagos ecosystem in danger), camping gear and drones. You get your bags back after they've been scanned. - Obtain a Transit Control Card (TCT) from the Galapagos immigration office, officially known as Consejo de Gobierno del Régimen Especial. Simply mention Galapagos to an airport official and they will point you in the right direction.

Transit Control Card (TCT)

To get your TCT you will need to: - Present a negative PCR test result for COVID-19 taken within the last 96 hours (do check this is correct for your country). - Show a Salvoconducto (safe passage) document issued by the Ministry of tourism. Your booked accommodation or tour operator will provide you with this. You cannot travel without accommodation booked in advance. - Show a valid passport and pay $20 each. You will need to provide your TCT as you go through the usual airport boarding process.

If you want to hear how missing one of these steps nearly cost us our trip to Galapagos, check it out on YouTube

If you've been lucky enough to go and have suggestions, or wanting to go and have questions, share your thoughts in the comments :)


Map of Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands-Map